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Who is behind Consensus.

Eduardo Colli, David Kohan Marzagão, Josh Murphy, and Deborah Raphael are the academics behind Consensus. They worked together in desgining, securing funding, and exhibiting the piece.

Deborah and Eduardo work at the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of São Paulo, Brazil. They run Matemateca, a collection of interactive mathematical objects that convey interesting theoretical and applied concepts in a hands-on way.

Josh & David are academics at King's College London, UK. They worked with the University of São Paulo in creating a series of interaction objects to be exhibited in the UK.

Bruna Rodrigues da Silva, Gabriel da Silva Navarro & Jhuann Piedro Alves Nogueira are undergraduate students at University of São Paulo. They created the physical consensus object from scratch, which included the coding of the process, dealing with a stubborn keypad, making sure the Arduino controlled all the LEDs as expected, and the physical soldering of more than 300 wires!

Avis Fung & Lian Matsuo are undergraduate students in Artificial Intelligence at King’s College London, and built these webpages and the simulation, which included coding the game mechanics, encoding agent behavior in JavaScript, designing animations, extending the code to allow for more colours, reproducing the exact layout of the network on the physical object, and creating a bar to speed up the time of the process. They are also responsible for the documentation and layout of the page.